Grammy Rules

Mother to Kathryn (Daring Young Mom), Heather (One Woman's World) and 3 kick-butt non-blogging kids, whose real identites are top-secret. Also Grammy to Laylee, The Bean, and Magoo. Most especially, wife to Papa.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I went to church this morning. Not that that’s such an unusual thing to do, really. It’s Sunday and I usually go to church. It’s just that this morning I wasn’t that excited about going and it had nothing to do with the meetings themselves or the people who I would see there. I just wasn’t that excited to have them see me.

What it comes down to, is that I did something clumsy earlier in the week and I didn’t really want to discuss it with everyone. I dropped a curling iron against my cheek and am now sporting the evidence of that mishap in the form of a large brightly colored welt across my face. A copious amount of cover-up only succeeded in making it more look like a bruise than a burn. So a large number of loving and concerned people were anxious to know what I had done to myself. Needless to say, explaining to everyone that I am an idiot is not my favorite pass time.

Unfortunately, it’s not the first time I’ve had to make this kind of explanation. The incident with the ax springs to mind.

Some years ago, I was out in the garage chopping wood for a cozy evening’s fire. As I was swinging my trusty ax, the Spirit whispered to me as clearly as anything, “Don’t hold it like that. You’ll hurt yourself.” Did I listen? No. I countered with, “No, I won’t. I’ll be careful.” The very next swing took off the end of my thumb about half way down the nail. Only after visits to the clinic, the hospital and the pharmacy for major pain killers did I remember that our family was scheduled to sing at our church’s ward conference the next morning. Standing in front of the whole congregation I (and my huge, glowing white bandage) had nowhere to hide.

Let me tell you, the old saying is absolutely true. “Nothing does stick out like a sore thumb! And something else I discovered is that whenever you do something truly stupid, anyone who’s ever had a similar experience will tell you their story. After all, they are safe with you. You’re just as dumb as they are.

I heard sharp knife and ax stories like you wouldn’t believe. So my accident prone friends and I decided to form our own support group. We called ourselves “AWESOME – AWSM”

……… Wait for it………

Ax-wielding self-mutilators Sad but true!


Blogger Kathryn Thompson said...

Okay. This wasn't as funny when it happened but it sure is now. I love the way you told it. According to my recent bookclub book about male and female relationships, woman really like to tell each other all the dumb things we've done. It bonds us together and makes us feel better about ourselves. :)

8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is an AWESOME post! I love it. If you keep telling the stories of your past, you won't have to get on it and write a personal history. Yay for my blogging mommy!

10:58 PM  
Blogger Daring Young Dad said...

Ouch! Sorry to hear about your mishap. :(

11:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ok, I have been waiting for a LOOONG time for you to set up a blog. Hooray! I will be one of your millions of faithful readers.

7:21 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

I am new to this blogging world as well and I just wanted to take this oppurtunity to tell you that I really enjoy your daughters thoughts on being a mom and look forward to your reflections on being a grandmom.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Tigersue said...

I'm so glad you are on and doing this. I don't think I could ever get my mother to blog.
Still, I did get my MIL on so here is her site if you would like to visit her. I'm sure she would enjoy it.

9:18 AM  
Blogger Regina said...

This is why all my knives in the house are dull as boards... I never want to be a member of AWESOME!
Between you and your daughter and Dad now, my face is really beginning to hurt! Too much smiling!

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's more efficient to use a machine, like I did...

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey!! remember that time you chopped your thumb off with an axe?....................

That was AWSM!!!!

1:49 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

I would suggest that next time this happens, because well, if you have a track record...well...anyway, next time I would suggest one of those "Hello My Name Is" tags that says something like: Huge fight with a Hell's Angel in Sturgess, and lived to tell the tale!

Great Post!

2:58 PM  
Blogger Geekwif said...

Oh, ouch! My hubby did that once when chopping onions, but fortunately he only took off the very tip of his thumb, not even down to the nail. He said it hurt like the dickens though, so I can only imagine how horribly painful yours must have been!

5:46 AM  
Blogger Gwennaëlle said...

I cut a piece of my thumb nine years ago with a swiss knife. I still have a pretty bad scare from it. Can I belong to your club?

10:37 AM  
Blogger blackbird said...

apparently you cannot handle sharp hot things.

here's a tip - welding may not be a good hobby for you.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Tigersue said...

I added your blog to my links on

12:05 PM  
Blogger Grammy said...

Gwennaelle, of course you can belong to our club and geekwif's husband, too. and DYD, but he needs to provide me with all the gory details some time. We are not exclusive. All we require is some sort of ghastly wound.

2:29 PM  
Blogger Nantie Meg said...

Does that mean I can bwe in with the TONKA Truck scar? I love that scar, it's gotten bigger as I've grown, and now it measures 2 1/2 inches. Seriously, I just measured the scar with my tape measure!!

I love that you're blogging now!!!

11:25 AM  

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